For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.

文 | 马丽
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
1. 亲爱的宝贝儿,你知道,你是怎么来到这个世界上的吗?
My dear baby, do you know how you came into this world?
That was a long long time ago, when the world has not come into being, and in God’s mind, there was you.
You are His child.

2. 后来,祂创造了整个宇宙,让阳光、雨水、空气、泥土和小鸟、花朵、小鱼,成为你将来能玩耍、长大的婴儿房。
Later, He created all the universe, and let sunshine, raindrops, fresh air, soil, little birds, flowers and fish became a nursery and playhouse for you.

3. 再后来,祂让爸爸遇见妈妈。当我们宣誓要一辈子相爱的时候,祂就把你,像一颗神奇的种子一样,放在了妈妈的肚子里。
Then later, He led Daddy to meet with Mommy. And when we vowed to love one another for our whole lives, He placed you, like a magic seed, inside of Mommy’s belly.
How wonderful, isn’t it?

4. 当你在妈妈肚子里,一天一天长大的时候,奇妙的是,妈妈脑子里也开始想到很多美好的事——就好像,周围每一样事物身上,都开始慢慢呈现出上帝的指纹。
When you started to grow little by little inside of Mommy, I thought of many wonderful things. And it seemed to me that everything around started to show God’s fingerprints.

5. 祂的手指在每一朵花上,细心雕琢着那样晶莹剔透的花瓣,还点缀着可爱的露珠。
His finger was on every flower, carefully carving out its delicate pedals, sparkling them with lovely dews.

6. 祂的手指在每一颗雨滴上,让它沿着窗户,像小蝌蚪一样开心地爬行。
His finger was on every raindrop, moving it around cheerfully along the window pane like a little tadpole.
In every thundering and rainy night, Mommy would think of the mighty finger that was shooting arrows of lightening into the sky. That same finger was also weaving your little body inside of me.

7. 你知道吗,祂的手指也曾在地上作画,那是当一群人要拿石头打一个罪人时。
His finger once drew on the ground, for real. It was when a group of people wanted to throw stones at a sinner.
I always wonder, at that time, what was on His mind?

8. 后来妈妈明白了,祂一定是想到了你。
Later, Mommy understood that He must be thinking of you.

9. 祂是为了你,才来到这个世界,成为马槽里的一个小婴儿。
It was for you that He came to this world as a tiny baby in the manger.

10. 祂为了你,用手平静风浪。
It was for you that his fingers calmed storms.

11. 祂为了你,手被刺穿,挂在木头上。
It was for you that His hands were pieced to a wood.

12. 但是,我的宝贝儿,即便那时,你的名字,还写在祂手掌上。
But my baby, even then, your name was still written in His palm.


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