“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

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How can He forget
1. 亲爱的宝贝儿,妈妈永远忘不了,在医院里,将你拥在怀里的第一刻。当你细细软软的头发蹭在妈妈脸上时,妈妈的心一下子都融化了。那将肌肤给你穿上的一位,是祂连你的头发都已经数过了。
My dear baby, mommy would never forget the moment when I first had you in my arms in the hospital.When your soft hair tickled my face, mommy’s heart melted. The One who clothed you with soft skin, He even numbered the very hairs of your head.

2. 还是小婴儿的你,嘴巴一张一张,在寻找妈妈的乳汁。妈妈也要殷勤喂你吃奶,不能忘记。那真正乳养你的一位说,即便有忘记自己吃奶婴孩的,祂也不忘记你。
When you were a newborn baby, your mouth smacked, desiring mother’s breast. Mommy had to breastfeed you often and stick to a schedule. The One who truly fed you once said, though a mother may forget the baby at her breast, He would not forget you.

Whenever you fell asleep after a good feed, Mommy and Daddy would gaze at you in amazement. We could never have enough of looking at you.The One whose eyes never depart from you, the things He has thought about you outnumber the sand of the sea.

When you were sleeping, Daddy would draw close to your little face and smell the scent of your breath. He said that it smelled good and sweet.The One who gave you the breath of life, it was He who blew the spirit of life into you.

Mommy often held your little hands and caressed them, observing the look of your every finger and finger nail. This little you have already had fingerprints unlike others’. The only One who loves you, it was He who made you as the only you on this earth.

When your bones are soft, Daddy and Mommy needed to take extra care when holding you or rolling you over. Every time when your little feeble body clang unto me, Mommy felt like falling into a sweet honey jar. The One who made you stronger by the day, it was He who knitted your sinews and bones.

When you learned to roll over and to crawl, Daddy and Mommy had to carefully follow you, for fear that your curious little hands might be injured.The One who is able to keep you from falling, He knows when you sit up and when you rise. It was He who watches over you every moment.

Ever since you were born, Daddy and Mommy became scared of losing you. The thought of a world without you broke our hearts.The One who chose you in His mercy from the beginning of creation, He would grasp you in His palms, as such is our hope.

Once there was a young mother who heard Simeon prophesying to her when blessing her newborn baby that, one day, her heart was going to be pierced through.The One who purposed to give up His beloved son, one day, He would wipe off the tears of mothers.

Thoughts came to us that Daddy and Mommy could not walk with you for all of your life. There will be a day when we had to leave this world. The thought of your little figure walking a lonely journey and going through all difficulties brought tears to Mommy’s eyes.The One who had all your times in His hands, He is your Father, from beginning to end.

Mommy would also fancy that someday you would meet the love of your life, and you two vow to love one another for your entire life, and to journey together on your pilgrimage, just like Daddy and Mommy.The One who covenants with your soul, His love is stronger than death.

One day, you will be holding your own baby and have these wonderful thoughts about him or her.The One who made you, who gave you life and dignity, He is to be remembered.

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